Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 7th to July 13th

Monday, 6/7--University Mt. Tempo Run

2,687', 1:17

A huge confidence builder, since I nabbed the fastest known ascent at 41:26, beating Jason Schlarb's 41:43.  In Schlarb's short write-up, he wrote that he "kept the effort moderately hard," so I'm sure he could have broken 40 minutes.  Still, this was a good workout, and I hope someone posts a faster time soon because I know at least a few minutes can be knocked off.  Splits were right on 24 minutes to the saddle, and 17:26 to the summit.

Tuesday, 6/8--Intervals w/Run Wild Missoula

3 x 1 mile @ goal marathon pace (5:50), ~45 minutes w/warm up, rests, water breaks

I was able to match my goal pace to within 2 seconds on each mile, so it feels well ingrained.  The heat made it a little tougher than I hope it feels on Sunday, but I'll just start at 5:50 pace and see how things go.  I know I'll do really well on the short 200 ft. hill.

Wednesday, 6/9--South Sentinel/Evans St. Loop

1,851', 1:04

Up the hill, down to Evans, and back via pavement.  The pavement felt okay, but it's going to take a lot of work to get me through 26.2 miles of it on Sunday.  Motivation-wise, this will be my toughest run.  I'm sure I'm physically ready for it, but it's going to play with my mental side.

Thursday, 6/10--Golf Course/Pattee Rd. Loop

363', 25 minutes

A quick run to keep the legs active a little longer.  Easy pace, with mostly flat stuff and a good mile + of road.  I feel ready to conduct the marathon experiment.

Friday, 6/11--Off

Saturday, 6/12--Off

Sunday, 6/13--Missoula Marathon

Flattish, 2:46:55, 11th place

The perfect picture of the blow up, with a second half ten minutes slower than the first half (granted there's one small hill in the second half, but it's pretty negligible).  1:18:27 for the first half, 1:28:28 for the second.  2:40 was out the window by mile 17, and I was really struggling towards the end.  I guess this is what I get for training on hills--the running doesn't translate quite as well as I'd hoped, but 2:47 is a time I can live with.  It's more than a minute per mile faster than my previous PR, and with far less road running in my training.  2:47 is definitely okay, I'm just not sure if I'd want to still hunt for a sub 2:40 marathon.  It would likely mean adjusting my training, and I want to keep the hills in.  I love hills.  Road running takes a lot more motivation for me, so this race was good mental training at least--keeping motivated was difficult.

4,901', 6:18

An actual taper week.  Not too much to discuss here.  I'm mainly looking forward to the now snow free trails around here, and just bought $85 dollars worth of maps.  There's a lot of exploring to be done.

                              Lolo Peak, finally drying out
I ran with Gary Krugger for 10 or so miles, the guy's run a sub 3:00 marathon in every state

With my parents after the finish

Another great show to look forward to on Wednesday--Modest Mouse:

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