Sunday, April 6, 2014

March 31st to April 6th

Monday, 3/31--Sentinel x 2

3,884', 1:26

I felt really good on this run, with almost perfectly even splits (second time was 30 seconds slower), and felt as if I could keep going at that pace for awhile.  Right now, there's really only two sections where the snow is a little bothersome, but the trail is mostly dry, or at least has some divergent path that's runnable.

Tuesday, 4/1

AM--University Mt. via Pengelly

3,635, 1:44

It's still winter up near the summit of University, with the last mile being entirely snow covered.  I was able to hit this at the perfect time of the day (10:30), when the snow is firm enough to not sink with each step, but soft enough that slipping on the downhill isn't a concern.

PM--Intervals w/Run Wild Missoula

3 x 2k @ 10k pace   ~45 minutes

Splits were 6:51, 6:52, 7:05.  I was a little tempted to do 4 x 2k with some of the other folks, but after going from 5:30 pace to 5:40 pace I had to call it quits.  I've been trying to build up fatigue resistance in my quads by bombing down hills, and I might be working myself a bit too hard.  I also didn't take a nap in between workouts today like usually do on double workout days.

Wednesday, 4/2--Sentinel Loop

4,021', 1:45

The route was kind of a convoluted loop, with all but maybe half a mile of the loop only covered one way.  Went up South Sentinel via the direct route, down the north ridge and down the 'M' via the switchbacks, up Sentinel left of the switchbacks on the north ridge, back to South Sentinel and down via Pengelly and the fire road.  I love these trails so much!  I only find it a little distracting that other trails are starting to dry out, but I'm sure once I get on some new trails I'll have the same feeling.

Thursday, 4/3--Pengelly Trail w/Jimmy and Jed

2,154', 1:28

Ran the same route as last week, except hitting the summit this time.  I've got to get used to this heat, because midday runs right now make me super diaphoretic (yeah, I just used a medical word!).  It's going to be a bummer seeing Jed leave for Utah in a couple weeks.

Friday, 4/4--Off (needed, and deserved)

Saturday, 4/5--South Sentinel x 2, Sentinel x 1, 'M' x 1

6,536, 2:43

I went out just with a goal to get somewhere over 6k of vertical in, and took a variety of trails, with a route that ended up summiting South Sentinel twice, Sentinel once, and included a lap up and down the 'M'.  On the last climb I didn't feel very sharp, probably because of dehydration.  Were the day much warmer, or the run much longer, I'd have needed a water bottle.

Sunday, 4/6--University Mt. x 1, South Sentinel x 1

5,502, 2:30

This run started in the rain, then entered snow higher up, and ended with bluebird skies and a rainbow.  I guess that's springtime in Montana.  The legs felt pretty beat from yesterday, which I suppose might help with mental energy late in a race when my legs are beat.  Or I might just be working them too much.

Interesting rainbow tidbit: according to the Christian religion, rainbows serve as a reminder to God to not destroy the world, like he did with the great flood.  I guess everybody needs reminding every now and then.

25,732, 12:21

This week felt huge to me, but it wasn't much more than some of my other weeks in terms of time.  I think I could handle some big, 4+ hour days with a lot of hills if I just went out and did it.  After a couple delays, Jumbo is supposed to finally open tomorrow, and some of the more shady trails might become runnable in the next couple weeks.  Perhaps those big days aren't too far away.

The Beacon

South Sentinel (left) and Sentinel (right)

Jumbo, due to open tomorrow!

A rainbow framing downtown

Arthur Russell, one of the greatest voices of the New York underground


  1. Hey Jeff, nice training week. Do you have any idea what the record ascent to the "M" is? I figure some of your Mizzoula cohorts probably have given it a shot. Have fun during the continued melting out!

    1. Hey! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back--I didn't know I'd had any comments! I'm not great at this computer thing. There's actually a race going up Mt. Sentinel each October, and Mark Handelman has the record, at 20:11. The "M" lies about 700' up the hill, and I'd guess his split to that was around 7 minutes. It looks like I'll see you at a couple Skyrunning races later this year!
