Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jan. 6th to Jan. 12th

Monday, 1/6

11 miles, 1:40, Polar Bear Running Club and Fleshman Creek

I went running with the first outing of the Polar Bear Running Club (an informal group of renegade high schoolers) for a very restrained two mile jog, and then added on nine miles at a relaxed pace, running on Fleshman Creek Rd. and back.  It was fairly dark by the time I got back to my car at 5:30, and I wouldn't feel comfortable running past 5:20 again without my headlamp (or until the days get longer).  My right knee has been hurting a little bit, only when it I'm kneeling on it, but is feeling better each day.  It's probably because I ran 31 miles two days ago without adequate preparation.

Tuesday, 1/7

6.5 miles, ~1:00, intervals with Monte

Two mile warm up, then 2x800s with 1:1 rest, 1600 with 4 minutes rest, 1x800, then a two mile cool down.  The track is in horrible condition right now, with a 4 inch snow drift on the north side, which felt like running on a slippery beach.  It turned the track into more of a trail run for sections, and made our times slow, but also made intervals more fun than usual.  Monte finished a few seconds ahead of me on some of the intervals (not something I'm ashamed of--that kid is fast!).

Splits were 2:53, 2:48, 5:53, 2:53

Wednesday, 1/8

13 miles, 1:54, Polar Bear Running Club/Monte, Swingley Rd.

Monte and I ran out with the Polar Bear Running Club at the beginning, but by 3 miles out it was just Monte, Kelsie and I (Kelsie turned around just past 5 miles in).  We ran over to Veteran's Bridge, took a connector trail out to the Livingston Peak road, and took that all the way to Swingley.  It was almost perfect running weather!  The only issue, once again, was dark, and we ducked into the neighborhoods as soon as possible once back in town to avoid traffic, getting back to our cars at around 5:40.

Thursday, 1/9

8.5 miles, 1:26, Suce Creek with Monte, Paulo

Oy, this was a tough one.  The effort we put out was decent--I wouldn't call it relaxed--but we still didn't even meet 10 minute pace.  We ran from Monte's house into the AB Wilderness, then to East River Road and back.  The snow conditions as soon as we got off the main road were really soft, each step sinking a little bit, and there were a few hills between 200 and 400 feet.  Monte's dog Paulo ran with us, and even he was struggling a bit in the snow!  This was my first time back in the AB Wilderness since September, and will likely be my last time until next summer (another FKT attempt on Granite?).  It'll be nice to get to Missoula, where trails will be a good bit more packed down.

Friday, 1/10--Off

Saturday, 1/11

15 miles, 1:54, Antelope Butte Loop

Woah, today was windy!  35 to 50 mph winds, with gusts of 70 to 80 mph.  I ran against the wind for 5.5 miles, at about 9 minute pace, and then with the wind at my back I dropped it to high sixes for the rest of the run.  The effort throughout felt about the same.  Not relaxed, but not pushing.  I think my PR for this loop is 1:41, and that felt like a push.

Sunday, 1/12

17 miles, 2:56, Sourdough out and backs with the Nothing Sacred Running Club and company

This was a chat and run.  There were about ten of us, some joining midway through, others leaving partway through, and we mostly chatted about our favorite subject: running!  Having one last giant group run before I left was the perfect way to say goodbye to some people, and a good way to form some last minute connections with those I hadn't met yet.  Towards the end I was feeling a little fatigued, probably due to accumulated miles throughout the week.  Afterwards, we all ate bacon and sticky buns and elk sausage and fruit salad and eggs and soda!  The perfect runners breakfast!

71 miles, 10:50

I felt the bump in miles this week, and I think I've hit the point where I need to reign it in a bit.  I'll still keep adding miles for awhile, but I don't want to have any more 11 mile bumps.  My knee has been feeling a little sore whenever I kneel on it, so it's something to keep in mind.  Right now, it doesn't effect my running at all, and hasn't been getting any worse even with increased mileage.  Another good week of running under the belt--this next week I expect to be running in the dark a good bit due to a wonky schedule.  I better dig up those headlamps!  Or, god forbid, I might even get on a treadmill.

Running up the Swingley Connector with Kelsie and Monte

Trying to beat the sunset, Livingston Peak Rd.

Snow covered boulders, Suce Creek

Paulo, digging in the snow for unknown dog-logic reasons

My last visit to the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness for some time

Running Divide Creek Rd., Antelope Butte Loop

The Nothing Sacred Running Group and company

More tunes--a band from CA, in Paris:

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